Saturday, April 9, 2011

21 Months Old

Connor is developing into quite the little man. Hes getting more independent all of the time. He is talking all of the time and learning so many new words. Hes like a little parrot that repeats whatever you say. Hes learning his colors and can usually know what is blue and green. He will sometimes try to count with us and says two, three and sometimes four. He's still very into cooking but it has definitely slowed down so he doesn't want to cook all of the time now. He is trying to learn how to jump but so far he just cant get those 2 feet off the ground at the same time. He has the occasional melt down now because he doesnt get what he wants but for the most part hes a very happy boy. He seems to like it when I cook new foods, guess we eat to much chicken. The first chance he got to try pork and beef he ate like crazy. His favorite foods are oatmeal, fruit, yogurt and now string cheese as well.

He loves the hippos and could spend all day by them at the zoo if we let him. He loves the zoo in general and just looking at all of the animals. He is happy to go to sleep at night and somewhat at nap time, mostly because he is looking forward to sleeping with his good friend George the monkey. Books are still fun to read but now at nighttime he prefers to skip the book and go straight to bed.

Uncle Rick came to visit us and spend some time with dad in Vegas. Connor had a lot of fun playing with his uncle and getting to spend some time with him.
He loves his weekly visits with Gigi and Papa and can hardly stand the wait once I tell him that they are coming.

I wrote this over a month ago and meant to post it but never got around to it. So the title is a bit off on the date posted. The post was written on 4/11.

Mom, Dad and Connor

Uncle Rick plays with Connor

The photoshoot. All of our playgroup friends in their sun outfits.

At Legoland aquarium in Carlsbad with our friends

Playing guitar with dad

The Elmo Flying Fish Ride at SeaWorld. First ever ride for Connor and he liked it.

Meeting the Sesame Street characters.

Riding the Merry Go Round in Mission Beach with Grandma

Visiting the hippos at the zoo

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