Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2.5 years old

So its been FOREVER since I've made a post here. I have lots of excuses but mainly it just kept seeming like a huge job because I was thinking I should make all of the missing posts to from the last so many months. Finally decided I should just update it with whats current and continue otherwise it's never going to get updated.

So what have we been up to. Well a lot has happened since my last post but some of the big things are..
  • We went to Michigan to visit family
  • Grandma and Grandpa White came to visit
  • Grandma Whipple came to visit for about 10 days to help out.
  • We went to Hawaii with Grandma and Grandpa Black
  • We went to Disneyland twice, we have annual passes there
  • Went to Knotts Berry Farm once
  • Jen and Dan came to visit twice and they brought cousin Ava once
  • And of course we did LOTS of train activities
  • Connor started preschool 2 days a week, one day with Grandma Black and one day with Auntie D'Arbra so mom can get more work done
  • Grandma and Grandpa Black also come to play with Connor usually once a week and he really looks forward to their visits.

Connor is talking like crazy now. He will ask you questions constantly if you let him, whats that, and whats that and what are you doing, and how are you etc. He still loves trains and wants to ride them, play with them, read about them, etc all of the time. He knows so much about them to since we are always reading train books. I never thought I would know so much about trains to. Terms like semaphore, and cow catcher and tanker car etc are part of his normal vocabulary. He likes to sing and dance and his favorite songs are the abcs, twinkle twinkle, and ba ba black sleep. He loves to play hide and seek and monster but he's not a very good hider, once you come to find him him he jumps out and says here I am. We take walks around the neighborhood now and he can make the full circle around the neighborhood without his stroller and even runs part of the way, it seems like he has endless energy. He loves puzzles and between them and trains thats about 90% of what he loves to do.

I've uploaded some videos to Picassa you can see them at this link

and some pictures as well, we have been bad about pictures lately guess it was because our battery was dying (a charge lasted all of about 5 mins for a while there) but now that we have a new one I hope to be much better about it.


  1. Asra is 2.5 Years now and I feel like You have still missed many posts?

  2. Yeah I know, I was bad at updating here so we've moved instead to just posting updates on Facebook since its much easier there and all of the family is able to easily see. Connor is now 3.5 and I'm due in 3 days with his baby sister Kara.
