Sunday, February 13, 2011

19 Months Old, Hawaii

We just got back from a great trip to Maui. We found a great deal for a 10 night trip with a direct flight from San Diego and a hotel right on the beach. Connor did great on the flight both ways, we loaded up Bobs laptop with Sesame Street shows for Connor.

We got to Hawaii and made a quick stop at Walmart to pickup some baby essentials and then off to the hotel. They offered us an upgrade to an oceanfront cottage for a great price so we jumped at the offer. We spent most of our days on the beach and in the pool. We bought groceries to eat in our hotel room for breakfast and lunch and went out to some nice dinners. My parents also came for a few days for their own vacation and helped us out by watching Connor while we relaxed. Bob and I went on a whale watching tour one day and went snorkeling 2 different days. The snorkeling was not quite as good as I remember when I was a kid We saw several turtles one morning when we were snorkeling.

Connor is learning so many words these days he practically parrots everything that we say now. In Hawaii he learned to say things like boat, Hawaii, beach, sand, pool, fork, knife, spoon, pig, whale, rake, nut, stick, leaf, shovel, rake and many more. He seems to be understanding almost everything that we say these days. I can ask him to go take something to dad or put something in the garbage and he goes and does it. Hes been getting taller and taller but not gaining much weight lately. We have cut down to only nursing about 3 times a day now but he still wishes that he could nurse more often. He loves being outside and is always going to the door and saying outside.

Connor has just started going down slides by himself. Before this he would always want to hold my hand when he went down. Now he will climb up the stairs and get onto the slide and then flip over quickly to him stomach and go down backwards, its very cute.

Posing before the Luau

Connor fascinated with the pig pit area he would not leave it

Connor and mom on the beach

Connor and dad in the pool

Our beachfront cottage

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