Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend of Firsts

The three of us had a really nice weekend and some gorgeous weather. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the weather and Connor spent his time investigating everything outside. He loves to smack his hand on the pool water (of course with mom holding onto him), play with the doggie water, and play in the dirt. Anything new is very exciting to him. We got into the solar heated hot tub twice this weekend with Connor. We put Connor into the baby swings at the park and gave him some little pushes, this is the first time that he really liked it, before he was always a bit scared.

I got the rest of the house a little bit more baby proofed, put covers on nearly all of the outlet plugs, got rid of some of the hanging wires, and made a drawer for Connor in the kitchen filled with his toys.

Connor is all over the place now, crawling fast, pushing his little walker and getting into everything. He isn't walking yet but hes taken a step or two moving from one support to the next without holding onto something.

My mom and I went out to breakfast and a pedicure on Saturday for an early mothers day. It was very relaxing and nice to have some time with just the girls.

We have been having some trouble getting Connor to sleep but the issue now seems to be resolved. We put up blackout shades so that even though its light out it wont bother him, bought a sound machine to help cover up the outside sounds, and moved his bedtime and hour earlier. Now instead of it taking me over an hour to put him to sleep it takes only a few minutes. That is a huge improvement.

Some photos from this weekend below.

Connor plays with the doggie water jug. Lots of fun.

Connor tries to get dads beer. He is very persistent.

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