Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nursing, climbing stairs and mothers day

Today Connor is 10 months and 2 days old. Hard to believe its been so long already. Hes getting so big, I weighed him today with his clothes and diaper on and he was about 19.5 pounds.

Lately we have been working with Connor on taking a bottle and trying to go to bed without always nursing. Last night I attempted to stay at volleyball and have Bob put Connor down without me. It didnt go so well. Connor wouldn't stop crying and I ended up coming home to nurse him. But today he went a record 9 hours in between nursings during the day. He woke at 6:30am and nursed and then Bob watched him in the morning and Grandma Black watched him in the middle of the day. He took 2 long naps, took 2 bottles, and woke up at 4pm and I fed him. This is a big step for him. Prior to this the longest he had gone without nursing was just a couple hours. So he can go practically all day without nursing and was just missing his before sleep nurse last night. We plan to continue working on the nighttime nursing and trying to disassociate that from going to bed at night and we will try again in a few weeks. We will see how it goes. I will not be weaning him and don't want to do so anytime soon, I love breastfeeding. I just would like to be able to let someone else put him to sleep without me needing to be there.

Connor is getting very obstinate lately, he objects when things are taken away from him and he knows what he wants, which includes anything that mom or dad has.

We had a nice weekend, went to the wild animal park, got into a semi-heated hot tub and he climbed the stairs 3 times. I also had a great first mothers day which was celebrated with my 2 favorite guys bringing me breakfast in bed and letting me sleep in and have a nice lazy day and a really nice card.

Connor in his swim diaper, playing with the doggie water jug again.

In his new pool float, he doesn't like it, prefers mom and dads arms in the pool

Connor climbs the stairs, this is the first day he has done this and he did it 3 times.

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