Saturday, July 31, 2010

12 Months Old, Walking, Sickness and a Cancelled Party

Connor is now over 12 months and its been a while since I wrote anything in the blog but there is so much to tell. On Tuesday July 5th Connor took his first steps on his own in the family room with Bob. A few days later on Thursday he started acting really fussy and I felt like he was getting sick as he was super hot. I took him to the doctor on friday and they said he was fine, he wasnt. We had his birthday party scheduled for the next day but I cancelled it because he was only sleeping and being incredibly fussy and when we took his temp it was all of the way up to 104. We thought about taking him to the emergency room but the books said 104 isnt to bad for a toddler. He kept getting worse and on monday we went back to the doctor and got a diagnosis of Roseola only after mentioning he looked like he had a rash. Doctors never seem to know what is wrong. It wasnt anything to serious but he got a rash all over his body, the high fever, wanted to sleep all of the time and just be held. It was a rough week or so. During that time he forgot how to walk again and also stopped eating any solids, thank goodness we were still breastfeeding since thats all he would eat for over a week. Now about 2 weeks after his sickness he is finally getting back to eating normally and walking all over the house and we've rescheduled his 1 year party for a few weeks from now.

We planned our first trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico later this year with Connor and my parents. Before Connor we went on vacations every few months so we are definitely due for a break since we havent been except to see family since before Connor was born.

Connor has been super happy lately and seems to love his new found freedom with the ability to walk. He loves to carry around objects in both hands as he walks, especially a ball.

Playing with a toilet paper bracelet

Trying to get to the petzels

Playing in the baby pool

With dad in the big pool

With mom in the new pool float

Building a tower or blocks so we can knock it over.

Outside toys mom got off Craigslist for Connor. A pirate ship and a tugboat. Havent decided yet what to do with the tugboat, we can either fill it with balls, water or sand. I put them in the sideyard so we dont have to worry about the pool.

Bob is really getting into the guitar and now has 3 guitars to play on. Connor really loves to listen to dad play. We were watching Jace as well this day and he also loved the music.

Bob completed his first 10k run on July 4th. It started just on the corner from our house. Here he is after the race. Took him less than an hour to finish it.

Connors First Steps on July 5th

Connor walking just 2 weeks later, much improved

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