Sunday, February 7, 2010

2nd Tooth and a Nectarine

Connors second tooth started poking through earlier this week. Its on the bottom next to his first tooth. We've tried some new foods including apple, nectarine, carrot and sweet potato. He really likes the fruits the best probably because of his sore gums. Nectarine seems to be his favorite followed by the apple.

Both dogs no longer sit around while he pulls their hair, if he starts to come near them they get up and move to the other side of the room or even out of the room.

Bob and I bought a yearly pass to the zoo and went there last weekend. Connor is pretty good there, I think there is just alot of different stuff for him to look at and keep him interested.

1 comment:

  1. Connor is really getting around now!!!Go Connor.. 2 teeth now, he's getting so Big!!! Hugs and smackers 2 U!!! U 2 R doing a great job!!!
