Sunday, January 10, 2010

6 Months Old (Crawling, Champ and a banana)

This last week has been another exciting one with Connor. Tonight just after midnight he is officially 6 months old. We got some great videos of Connor the past 2 days.

I was not feeling well the last couple of days and thought I had mastisis again but I think it was just a bug of some sort. Luckily my parents came over on Friday to play with Connor and I was able to get some much needed sleep. Today Im feeling much better.

Until now Connor has pretty much been on an hour and a half schedule. Once he hit the hour and a half he needed to nap or he would get real cranky. Now all of the sudden hes staying up 2 hours even 3 hours sometimes.

Connor has been very into touching Champ lately. Mostly he pulls his hair and Champ is pretty easy going so he mostly lets him do it. Ive been trying to teach him to pet him nicely and not pull the hair. Bear stays away from Connor for the most part.

Hes crawling pretty good now, a few steps at a time but he definitely gets around pretty easily and can get to whatever toy he wants.

Weve been giving him some food to try every so often but so far he hadnt brought anything up to his mouth to try on his own. The banana is his first successfull eating on his own. Before that we had tried apple, green beans, broccoli and mostly he just played with them.

Lots of videos below and a couple of pictures.

First try with the banana and avocado, it doesnt quite get in the mouth.

2nd try with the banana, a much better angle and he gets it into the mouth.

Connor crawling to get the water bottle

Connor with Champ

Connor "pets" and pulls up on Champ

An earlier try at eating broccoli (daddy did most of the feeding here)

Look at me in my spiffy Lions outfit

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