Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Connor and Boldyn Play

Here is a cute video of Connor (6.5 months) playing with his playmate Boldyn (10.5 months). They are pretty cute together, mostly they just grab toys from one another but this toy lets them both play together for the most part, until they find the one part of the toy they can both reach.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Teetching, Sickness and Storms

This last week wasnt a whole lot of fun. On monday night Connors nose started running and he was having trouble breathing, he didnt end up sleeping much at all that night and was looking pretty sick on tuesday. He wanted to be comforted all day and I could barely set him down. I took him to the doctor to make sure it wasnt anything serious. Thankfully the doctor said its just a cold and what we were doing was right. We decided to get him a seasonal flu and h1n1 flu shot just to make sure he doesnt get either of those sicknesses. This is his first sickness and Im pretty sure its because hes been teething. Lately everything goes into his mouth, doesnt matter what it is so he probably got some sort of bug.

It rained pretty much all week, and was super windy. We didnt get out much at all for our normal walks and errands, we were stuck in the house waiting for the rain to stop. The yard was a mess, pool is green and you cant even see to the bottom of it and the umbrella over our grill got all ripped up. At times I thought the house or some trees might blow down.

Yesterday I was putting some teething medicine on Connors bottom gums and I felt the tooth thats coming through. You can feel the edges now so it should be out anytime now. Its in the bottom right in the center.

Im hoping for a better week, a nose that stops running and a tooth that has come through so it stops hurting him and of course for the return of our sun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

6 Months Old (Crawling, Champ and a banana)

This last week has been another exciting one with Connor. Tonight just after midnight he is officially 6 months old. We got some great videos of Connor the past 2 days.

I was not feeling well the last couple of days and thought I had mastisis again but I think it was just a bug of some sort. Luckily my parents came over on Friday to play with Connor and I was able to get some much needed sleep. Today Im feeling much better.

Until now Connor has pretty much been on an hour and a half schedule. Once he hit the hour and a half he needed to nap or he would get real cranky. Now all of the sudden hes staying up 2 hours even 3 hours sometimes.

Connor has been very into touching Champ lately. Mostly he pulls his hair and Champ is pretty easy going so he mostly lets him do it. Ive been trying to teach him to pet him nicely and not pull the hair. Bear stays away from Connor for the most part.

Hes crawling pretty good now, a few steps at a time but he definitely gets around pretty easily and can get to whatever toy he wants.

Weve been giving him some food to try every so often but so far he hadnt brought anything up to his mouth to try on his own. The banana is his first successfull eating on his own. Before that we had tried apple, green beans, broccoli and mostly he just played with them.

Lots of videos below and a couple of pictures.

First try with the banana and avocado, it doesnt quite get in the mouth.

2nd try with the banana, a much better angle and he gets it into the mouth.

Connor crawling to get the water bottle

Connor with Champ

Connor "pets" and pulls up on Champ

An earlier try at eating broccoli (daddy did most of the feeding here)

Look at me in my spiffy Lions outfit

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Christmas and Sitting Up

This last week or two Connor has progressed like crazy. Before Christmas he wasn't able to sit up on his own and now he can not only sit up on his own he can also get into a sitting position from his back or his stomach. We've gone into his room many times to find him sitting up in his crib. At first he couldn't figure out how to get back down to his stomach but now he can do that to. There is a video below of him getting to a seated position. Now he sits like this for over an hour at a time if you let him. Hard to believe this has all happened in a week.

We had a real nice Christmas. Bob, Connor and I decorated the tree together, made a gingerbread house, and even made some fudge, Bob is quite the cook. My parents came over and my grandma even flew in from Portland for the occasion. Connor was definitely overwhelmed at the end of the day from all of the presents and new toys. We've been trying to slowly introduce them back to him.

Bob has gone crazy on Facebook lately and is only posting updates there anymore so if you want to get the latest and greatest pictures from him friend him on Facebook. The other day Bob decided to see how far he could run and he made it all the way around the lake here which is 5 miles. The next day his foot started to hurt and now he thinks he has a stress fracture as a week later his foot is still hurting him. Hopefully he will be better soon.

Connor is no longer sleeping through the night. We think it might be all of the advances he is making and keeps practicing at night. Either that or else I just don't have enough milk for him anymore before he goes to bed so he has to keep waking up to eat more. We are excited to start feeding Connor solids and we've decided to try Baby Led Weaning instead of purees for his food. You can read more about that and what is means at Wikipedia.

Today we lowered Connors crib down just in case he decides to stand up one day. Now the bars are at the height of his head so he cant fall out.

We started a college fund for Connor before the end of the year. The college calculators predict it will cost $467,000 by the time Connor is ready for college (we are not saving that much for you Connor, sorry). Not sure how anyone could afford that. I think college inflation will need to start slowing down or no one out there will be able to afford it.

Decorating the Christmas tree with Connor

Grandma and Grandpa Black with Connor on Christmas Day

The beautiful gingerbread house Bob and I made. This has me rolling on the ground laughing as Bob was trying to cut gumdrops to make windows.

Opening up Christmas presents with Connor

Champ steals the monkey toy from Connor. Hes getting very protective of Connor and Connor is trying to pet/pull Champs fur now its very cute.

Connor sitting up and plays with his stackable cups (a new Christmas present)

Connor demonstrates getting into a sitting position from his stomach

Connor trying to crawl (this is about a week or 2 ago, before he could sit up).

Opening Christmas presents (we figured out why the book wasnt working quite right, its all good now)