Monday, October 26, 2009

Connor flipping over

Connor is sleeping great lately, we've made huge breakthroughs with his naps lately and its really nice for me and much less stressful. He stays up for almost exactly an hour and a half and then its back to sleep again. He is a much happier baby when he gets in a couple of good nap.

Today all of the sudden Connor is flipping over onto his stomach in his crib. Once hes there he doesn't like it and he cries and we have to go up and flip him back over. He can go easily now from back to stomach, but still hasnt figured out how to go from stomach to back. This happened a few times today at his naps and then tonight I had to go up and flip him onto his back over 10 times before he finally stayed on his back.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Connor Napping Good

Connor is now napping good during the day, yah!! It was a struggle but he finally decided he needed the naps and now is regularly sleeping during the day for about an hour at a time without fighting it so much. Unfortunately we did lose our making it a full night sleeping, and now hes back to waking up once at night. Oh well, it was nice for the 2 days it lasted.

Connor can now sit in the stroller like a big boy. No more infant seat needed. He seems to really like being able to look around and see forward. Connor and me just got back from a short walk here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Connor Sleeps Through the Night

Last night Connor made it through the entire night without waking up or feeding at all. He went to sleep around 7pm and woke up at 5:45am. Thats a pretty early wake up but we will take it cause he slept almost 11 hours. Naps are still a struggle but we are working on it and they are slowly getting a bit better.

This week Connor has decided he no longer likes his bouncy chair, last week that was still one of his favorites, my how quickly things change.

Look at me I can hold in my own pacifier

Connor plays with Daddy

Another University of Michigan Fan in the making.

Connor plays with Mommy

Hes starting to like toys and will hold them himself for a while

Arent I just so adorable in this doggie outfit. Its a bit big still.

All dressed up like a big boy

Saturday, October 10, 2009

13 Week Videos

Here is Connor trying to walk a bit. Look at him pick up those feet. He loves to be in this position. Video taken by Grandpa Black with Grandma Black holding him up.

Here is Connor in his bouncy chair. First hes doing a little bit of jibber jabber and then you can see him playing with the toys. He knows now that when he plays with the toys the lights come on. Hes getting pretty good control of those arms now. Just a few weeks ago all he could do was flail them.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Almost 3 months old

Mom got me this cool bumbo, she didnt realize it was going to be pink though, oh well. Dont I look like such a big boy in it.

Connor has started really grabbing and holding onto things lately. Here he is in a lions onsie on gameday. Unfortunately the lions lost.

Brrr its been a little cold lately for San Diego. Time to pull out the warmer outfits.

I just love to stand up. Laying down is for other babies.

Connor really likes to play on his mat. Look at the legs go.

Connor figures out his bouncy chair

This weekend Connor will be 3 months old. He weighs 12 lbs 14 ounces. Hes started really trying to talk alot. Ive tried to capture that on film but he always stops when I bring out the camera. Maybe for the next post.