Sunday, December 26, 2010

17.5 Months Old

Connor has changed so much since my last post, sorry its been so long. He has gotten really talkative in the past few weeks. He can now say dog, ball, balloon, mom, daddy, grandma, grandpa, up, more, milk, wuf wuf and banana. He understands what we are saying and is learning new words all of the time. He also does several signs for things like milk, more, hat, etc and knows where some of his body parts are like, head, belly button, toes, ears, nose, eyes and so on. He has gotten really good at mimicking everything that mom and dad do and its really cute to watch. He has also started getting much more independent and can play on his own for a while now and prefers to walk around on his own instead of being carried most of the time.

Yesterday was Christmas, we had 2 sets of grandparents with us to help celebrate. The Blacks came over for the day and the Whipples have been here visiting for a few weeks. We had a nice Christmas dinner and Connor received so many fun toys including, a toy guitar, mega blocks, a powerwheels quad, a vtech alphabet train, an aquadoodle, a remote control car, and see and say.

We just got back from a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This was our first real vacation since having Connor. We went to the Dreams resort with Grandma and Grandpa Black and spent all of our time on the beach and eating. Connor did great, he stayed on his schedule, did wonderful at all of the restaurants and had a blast in the pool and on the beach. Grandpa kept digging holes for Connor to climb into in the sand.

For Halloween Connor dressed up like a Giraffe and we went to a party with all of our playgroup friends. A few days before Halloween we went to the Bates Nut Farm which has a hay ride, a straw maze and a HUGE pumpkin patch. Connor loved the pumpkins and could of spent all day playing on them.

Going through the straw maze, Bates Nut Farm

On the hay ride

Playing with the pumpkins

Halloween party with the playgroup, yes the kids did have fun they just didnt like having their picture taken

Swallowed by the shark at the aquarium

Decorating the tree

Playing in the water in Mexico

Present from the Whites

At the Wild Animal Park with the Whipples

Decorating cookies on Christmas Eve

Our Gingerbread house

Opening presents on Christmas Day