Thursday, August 26, 2010

13 months, Birthday Party Version 2

We finally had Connors 1st birthday party a few weeks ago. It turned out to be a great day, a lot of fun but pretty tiring. Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa White were visiting for a week around the party so we were able to have lots of help with the setup and watching Connor. We had beautiful weather for the entire week and spent quite a bit of time in the pool. Bob and I got some time out by ourselves and some good relaxation time while Grandma and Grandpa White got to spend quality time with Connor.

For the past few weeks Connor has really started doing more baby signing and its really cute and helpful. He knows the signs now for more, help, milk and all done and hes waving now to say goodbye. Unfortunately he doesnt always use the right sign at the right time. More is his favorite sign and he usually uses that for help and milk as well. We are working on it and hes definitely getting better and its cutting down quite a bit on his whining because he knows that we will help him once he does a sign and doesnt have to whine.

This last week its been really warm out and we have been spending alot of time in the big pool and little tuggy pool and Connor has been having fun running around naked outside at night. In fact he is having so much fun running around that he doesnt want to sit down and eat anymore, he only wants to eat on the go. His favorite food is grapes and he also loves peas, must be the round shape. He will sometimes try new foods but hes pretty picky for the most part.

Hes been sleeping in really good lately, till 8:30am pretty regularly. Mom and dad appreciate this alot and have been catching up on our sleep. Hes still waking up about twice a night but once he has a milk snack he falls right back to sleep without fuss.

Pictures below:

Connor at Hoyt Park

Connor and his friend Champ. They like all of the same toys.

Pictures from the first birthday cake. Thanks Jennifer for the awesome pics at the party. The cake was chocolate with raspberry filing and very yummy.
Dad serves up the cake to Connor

Mmm the frosting is the best part.

What a cute kid

With Grandma and Grandpa Black.

With mom and dad
And of course the cleanup afterwards
Picture with 2 sets of Grandparents, the Blacks and the Whites
Playing with friend Boldyn at the party

So far Connors favorite gift from the party. Still inflated almost 2 weeks later, pretty impressive for a balloon.
Playing with the grandparents in the pool.

Riding the new radio flyer trike from Grandpa

In the hot tub with Grandma and Grandpa White