Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Spa

We put Connor into the spa this weekend, it was actually his 2nd time but the first time was last summer when he was only a few months old. The pool isn't warm enough yet but the weather outside was great so we heated up the spa to about 95 and got in.

He's very into buttons and controls lately. He loves the remote, the phone and the knobs on the doors. In the spa he was fascinated by the little button controls and that was about all he could concentrate on once he found it.

He's getting more into solid food lately and hes been very good every time we go out to eat. He just sits and eats his food and looks around the restaurant.

I had to put up some blackout shades in his room otherwise even if hes tired he wouldn't sleep at night when its still light out. This was causing a bit of a problem because its getting lighter later and later and he can't stay up that long. It seems to of helped quite a bit.

We just started using a new convertible (big kids) car seat and he seems to like it, we couldn't really carry him in the infant seat anymore anyway hes getting to heavy.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Blueberries, clapping and waving

Connor is very into blueberries lately, they are just the right size and melt right in the mouth. Today we went to Olive Garden and Connor actually waved at the hostess after she waved at him. Then later he waved at Bob. The other day I was watching Biggest Loser and the contestants were clapping and Connor also started clapping. I have not been able to get him to clap since though. No pictures in this post.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Whipple Visit

Its been a long while since we last posted but quite a few things have happened so there are several pictures below.

So many new developments to talk about. Grandma and Grandpa Whipple visited us at the end of March and were a big help. I was able to get quite a bit done and Connor had fun playmates. Towards the end of their visit his 3rd and 4th teeth started emerging and he was a bit cranky, poor guy. Those teeth are definitely visible now and he wants to bite on just about anything and everything.

Hes starting to eat quite a bit more solids now, we are going for about twice a day and the favorites right now are anything thats a finger food, mostly toast with applesauce or avocado on it, blueberries, pear, plum and so on. Hes figured out the straw cup and can drink from it on his own now, he never liked the sippy cups and couldnt figure out how to tilt them to get the water. Also hes finally liking the bottle a bit with some of mommys milk in it. This is the first time that weve been able to get him to actually like drinking from a bottle, still not as good as right from the tap though.

We went up to Grandma and Grandpa Blacks for Easter and had a nice time. Bob was in Vegas with his brother losing money at the craps table so that was my first time to spend several days on my own with Connor. Luckily he slept great for me and was in a general good mood.

Hes really liking the new walker and getting all over the house with it, and doesnt have any trouble anymore. Ever since Friday hes not so much into his own toys, instead he loves to get into everything else. Some of his favorites are the drawers, refrigerator, dogs water bowl, toilet, and of course the wonderful electrical outlets. We have a lot of baby proofing ahead of us it seems.

Enjoy the pictures below:

Our first visit to the beach. We went to dog beach in OB and of course Champ and Bear were there along with Grandma and Grandpa Whipple. Connor absolutely loved the sand.

Diapers are more fun to carry around then wear. Im sure Connor will love this photo when he grows up.

Future video gamer, he loves the Playstation controller.

I am so cute

Trying to figure out the snack catcher, so far he doesn't really understand it.

Trying on the new outfit for the sun, thanks sungrubbies.com

New walker from Grandma and Grandpa Whipple, first good video, hes already moving so much faster now on it.