Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Pictures 5 months old

Connor is now 5 months old. Recently hes started making a wet razzing noise all of the time and hes also figured out how to get up until all fours from his stomach. Crawling doesnt seem like its to far away. Hopefully we can get a good video of that soon.

We went today to get some family photos taken. The mall was crazy. Ive included some of the pictures below.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rick and Renees Wedding

We went to Michigan for Thanksgiving and to attend Rick and Renee's wedding. Bob was the best man in the wedding. Connor didnt do great on the planes this time, we had a bit of a crying spell and he only slept a little bit of the time but it could of been worse.

Mom and Connor at Ricks house before we go to thanksgiving dinner.

Dad and Connor at the wedding rehearsal dinner.

Bob and Melanie at the reception (we forgot the camera at the actual wedding, whoops, I was in such a hurry to get out the door). Apparently Bob had a great best man speech but I missed it waiting for the babysitter. Hopefully I can see it on video later.

The best man and the groom. Ask him how good he felt the next day.

The groomsmen carry the bride

Connors favorite napping position. Looks pretty uncomfortable to me, his legs are all bent up under his body. This is how I always find him though. Note there are no blankets, poor guy goes blanketless they dont want you to put blankets in with babies anymore because of the risk of SIDS.

Connor has found his toes, its so cute. He is constantly grabbing them now especially during diaper changes. This was mid clothes change and he started babbling.

Weve had this jumperoo for a while and Connor has always liked it. But until now he didnt ever really jump he just played with the toys. All of the sudden this morning he started jumping.

Everything goes straight into the mouth, doesnt matter what it is, he loves to just sit and chew on it.