Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 6

Grandma Whipple says goodbye before she leaves for home

The White Family

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 5

Mom, Dad and Connor

Connor getting ready for the beach

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 4

Connor and Dad hanging out:

Connor got a new toy today:

Connor crawling around with a little help from everyone:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 3

Connor being cute, again.

Connor making some cute faces while Grandma and Dad were harassing him:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 2

Connor is doing great

California has this cool program where they send out a nurse to all homes of first time mom's and dad's to make sure the baby is doing good. The Nurse came to our house today and checked him out and said everything is going great. She weighed him and he weighed in at 7lbs 5oz so he has gained back everything he lost after birth and more. She said baby's usually gain back their birth weight after 2 weeks so he is ahead of schedule. Below is a picture of the weigh in.

Connors First Bath

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cute Connor pictures of the day - 1

Postpartum room

Here is a video I took in the postpartum room of UCSD Medical Center - Hillcrest. It has some cute Connor moments, including his first obscene gesture.

Connors first diaper change

Friday, July 17, 2009

One week old

Well, the last week has sure gone by fast. Connor will be 1 week old at 12:37am on Saturday. I thought I would post a few pictures of his first week of life.

Connor Meets Grandma Whipple:

Connor meets Grandma and Grandpa Black

Proud Papa

Connors first outfit

Connor is ready for the trip home from the hospital

Connor likes his nap area at home:

Check out those big eyes!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Connor has arrived!!!

Connor was born on 7/11/09 at 12:37 am and after 41 weeks in the womb was 6lbs 11.6oz and 19.75 inches. Mom and baby made it through the delivery healthy and happy. When we get back from the hospital we will post the birth story, but for now we will need to stay in the hospital for an extra day or two as he is having some trouble learning how to eat properly. I have a great video of the birth and will post that at some point, but for now check out a few of the cute pictures we took below.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Final Dr Appt

So Bob and I went to the midwife today for the final regular checkup. Found out that unfortunately so far things arent progressing much towards Connor coming out. They scheduled an induction on July 16th at 8am. So if Connor hasnt decided to appear on his own by then he will be coming anyway. That would be 42 weeks and they dont really let you go past that.

We have 2 non-stress tests before then just to make sure that everything is going ok, first one is tomorrow at 3:15pm and another one on tuesday, they just like to keep a close eye on things after you pass 41 weeks.

So if you dont hear anything by July 16th thats the day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

No news to report

So today is officially the due date but no sign of Connor yet. Hes nice and comfy in my stomach for now I guess. As soon as we have any news we will post it here and email everyone.

If he goes more then a week overdue they start to run more tests and at 2 weeks overdue they start to talk about medical inductions to make him come. Hopefully he decides to make an appearance before either of those things.

Last Drs appt was yesterday and they say he is about 7 lbs so far and has a good healthy heartbeat.

Happy 4th of July to everyone!

Here is a picture of Melanie at week 40: